We are proud to announce that the Econometric Game of 2021 will take place on the 8th and 9th of April 2021!

The event in 2021 will be a little bit different compared to usual. After the unfortunate cancellation of the Econometric Game 2020, we want to make sure that this does not happen with the event in 2021. Due to the Coronavirus, times are still uncertain and for this reason, the EG 2021 will turn into a fully online event. This will guarantee that all students that wish to participate have the possibility to do so.

This time the Econometric Game will be held in 2 days. On the 8th of April, the teams will work on the first case and the reports will be handed in. The jury will check the reports and announce the finalists. 10 teams will make it to the final and they will work on the second case on the 9th of April. After the final reports are checked and each team in the final gave a presentation, the winner will be announced.

The Committee of the Econometric Game 2021 is working hard to make the first online Econometric Game possible and we are looking forward to the event. Updates will follow soon.

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