Northpool is a commodity trading company, based in Leiden, the Netherlands. Northpool’s main focus lies with energy and weather-related commodities and is currently active on the power and gas markets. With the future going forward to an even more sustainable energy environment, anticipating the future energy trends for the coming years is imperative. With wind, sun and rain as ideal sustainable energy sources, the weather has become increasingly important in the energy markets. Variations in weather lead to volatility in the power market.
Northpool’s expertise is founded on three pillars, Fundamentals, Efficiency and Opportunities. First, Northpool has a strong knowledge on the fundamental drivers in the energy market. Second, Northpool uses data driven feeding trading strategies leading to a more efficient power market. The trading strategies are strongly driven the combination of market data and technological possibilities. Finally, Northpool is always seeking opportunities in the market.
At Northpool we have four trading desks: Intraday, short term, long term and algorithmic trading. We are always looking for graduates for these desks and want to start their career with us. Whether you aspire to a career as a trader, analyze situations in the market or like to build models, at Northpool we look for the best place for you in our organization.