About the Econometric Game
What we're all about!
Every year, the University of Amsterdam is hosting the Econometric Game, one of the most prestigious projects organized by the study association for Actuarial Science, Econometrics & Operational Research (VSAE) of the University of Amsterdam.
The participating universities are expected to send delegations of four students majoring in econometrics or relevant studies with a maximum of two PhD students. The teams will be given a case study, which they will have to resolve in two days. After these two days the ten teams with the best solutions will continue to day three. On the third day the finalists have to solve a second case while the other teams can go sightseeing in Amsterdam. After the teams have explored the city, the Econometric Game Congress takes place. There are different interesting lecturers, who will speech about the case and the econometric methods necessary for solving the case. The solutions will be reviewed by a jury of qualified and independent professors and they will announce the winner of the Game.