The Committee

The Committee

The winners

The winners


Every year, the University of Amsterdam hosts the Econometric Game, one of the most prestigious projects organized by the study association for Actuarial Science & Econometrics (VSAE) of the University of Amsterdam. The participating universities are expected to send delegations of four students majoring in econometrics or relevant studies with a maximum of two PhD students.

The 25th edition of the Econometric Game took place from the 9th to 11th of April 2024 with the theme ‘Education’. The teams were given a case study around this theme which they had to solve in two days. The ten teams with the best solutions continued to the final on day three. This was an extension of the case on day one and at the end of the day, all the finalists had to present their findings. The solutions were reviewed by a jury of qualified and independent professors.

The Case

This year’s case is developed by Bas van der Klaauw, Nadine Ketel and Paul Muller.

Econometric Game 2024 – Case A

Econometric Game 2024 – Case B

The Jury

Maurice Bun
Maurice Bun
Casemaker & Jury

This year’s case is developed by Marco Hoebrichts and Maurice Bun. Maurice is Head of Research at De Nederlandsche Bank and an associate professor of econometrics at the University of Amsterdam. Maurice is an expert in panel data econometrics and he is particularly interested in using micro panel data to understand macroeconomic phenomena. His research agenda covers a wide range of applications in macroeconomics, international economics, empirical banking and industrial organization.

Guido Ascari is currently Professor of Economics at the University of Pavia (from 2007) and Economic Advisor and Head of Monetary Policy Research at De Nederlandsche Bank. He joined the DNB in September, after being Professor of Economics at Oxford University (2014-2021). He held a PhD from Warwick University and a Research Doctorate from the University of Pavia. His main research interest are: monetary economics, DSGE models of business cycle fluctuations, monetary and fiscal policy interaction, inflation dynamics, and expectations driven fluctuations.

Guido Ascari
Guido Ascari
Jury member
Julia Schaumburg
Julia Schaumburg
Jury member

Julia is an associate professor of econometrics and data science at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her research and teaching activities are in the area of time series and financial econometrics. She particularly enjoys developing econometric methods that can help to shed new light on empirical challenges, including (but not limited to) applications in empirical finance, financial stability, and international economics.

Finalists and findings

The winners of the 2022 edition were:

  1. Lund University
  2. Erasmus University Rotterdam
  3. University of Antwerp

The other finalists were:

  • Seoul National University
  • University of Antwerp
  • Universidad Carlos III Madrid
  • Harvard University
  • University of Maastricht
  • Oxford University
  • University of Tilburg



Misha Markovits
Misha Markovits

Hi there everyone. I’m Misha and I am currently in the last year of my Bachelor’s of Econometrics at the UvA. Since my first year it has been a dream of mine to host the prestigious event of the Econometric Game and become the chairman of this wonderful committee. This year I finally got the chance and I took it! Together with my amazing colleagues we are preparing what I know is to be a respected and professional event. I’m delighted to work with such an astonishing team, but most of all with our marvellous participants and sponsors. See you there!

Hi, I’m Khush, as I near the completion of my econometrics bachelor’s at the University of Amsterdam, I have decided to join the Econometric Game committee. I’m partnering with Gaia, overseeing this year’s acquisition and promotion for the Econometric Game to secure sponsorships from companies passionate about the subject. Our goal is to make this year’s Econometric Game a truly unforgettable event for you.

Khushveer Thind
Khushveer Thind
Acquisitin & Promotion
Gaia Abbate
Gaia Abbate
Acquisition & Promotion

Hi! My name is Gaia, and I am currently pursuing a Master’s in Econometrics at the University of Amsterdam. Together with Khush, I am responsible for finding sponsors and promoting this year’s edition of the Econometric Game. We are all working hard to make this year’s Econometric Game not only a memorable competition, but also a great experience here in Amsterdam. I wish all the participants the best of luck! See you soon!

Hello everyone! I’m Niek, in preparation for- and during the Econometric Game 2024, I am the contact person for all the participants and universities. Currently I’m in my last year of my bachelor in Econometrics at the University of Amsterdam. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to approach me. I wish you all the best of luck and I am looking forward to seeing you in Amsterdam this year!

Niek Maatman
Niek Maatman
Floor Staal
Floor Staal

Hi everyone! My name is Floor and I am in charge of the facilities for the Econometric Game 2024. This includes arranging the booking of hotels, restaurants and activities. I can’t wait to welcome all of you in Amsterdam and hope you will all have an amazing time here! See you soon and I wish you all the best of luck!

Hi! My name is Nora and I am one of the organizers of Econometric Game 2024. Alongside pursuing my Masters degree, I’m taking on the responsibility of overseeing the case makers and jury members. I couldn’t be more excited to be part of the committee after 2 years of attending the Game as a bystander. I hope the great minds of (future) Econometricians all over the world would enjoy working on the challenging case we have set up and that they would have a great time in the beautiful city Amsterdam.

Nora Nguyen
Nora Nguyen
Selma Lindfors
Selma Lindfors

Hi! My name is Selma Lindfors and I am the coordinator of the Econometric Game committee 2024. This means that I support the committee from my position in the board of study association VSAE, a job that I am very excited about. I am already very proud of the committee and of what they have achieved so far, and I can’t wait to see the result of their hard work at the 25th edition of the Econometric Game in April 2024!